Killing Time


Les grands brochets ne se nourrissent pas tous les jours... ils peuvent passer des semaines entre les repas si les conditions ne sont pas bonnes. Pour attraper un grand brochet, il faut être au bon endroit au bon moment. Pour attraper un grand brochet régulièrement, il faut être au bon endroit, au bon moment, à chaque fois...

Les mots de Jon Hall


Big pike don't feed everyday... they can go weeks between meals if conditions aren't right. To catch a big pike you have to be in the right place at the right time. To catch a big pike consistently you have to be in the right place at the right time, every time... Waving a rod and pulling a fly past a fish that isn't switched on will only prolong your wait. Sit on your hands, kill some time and present your first cast at "killing time".

Words: Jon Hall